Using AI to Identify Breast Cancer
Art Team
The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
When the Autoimmune System Betrays Itself: Multiple Sclerosis and Other Demyelinating Diseases of the Central Nervous System
Lark or Owl? Early and Evening Chronotypes
Optogenetics and its Applications in Modern Biomedicine
The Impact of Social Media On Teens
Periodically Fascinating: How Menstrual Blood Could Revolutionize Medicine
Move for the Better: The Benefits of an Hour of Exercise a Day
Effects of Essential Fatty Acids Upon a Human Body
Ice or No Ice: Why Cold Therapy Might Delay Recovery
They Ate, Literally — But Should We Eat That Up? Exploring the Psychological Risks of Internet Addiction via Mukbang Videos
Brewing Hope: Caffeine’s Role in Parkinson’s Protection
Effect of Video Games on Adolescents
Nature's Pharmacy: Snake Venom as a Novel Treatment for Cardiac Diseases
How Does Anorexia Affect Someone?
The Importance of Sports Medicine & Exercise Physiology
How Does Pollen Affect Our Mental Health?
Physical Activity as a Marker to Identify and Treat Disease
The Epidemiological Paradox
Aging and Gerontology